Astound Virtual Tapped to Help Verizon Stay Connected to College Students Through Virtual Career Fairs

Case Study: Verizon
Verizon is one of the world’s leading providers of technology, communication, information and entertainment products and services.
The Challenge
With the COVID-19 outbreak, Verizon needed to find a way to stay engaged with college students and recent graduates, and to allow them to differentiate themselves from their competition. Verizon would normally recruit on at least 50 campuses each year, and with most colleges canceling in-person career fairs, Verizon needed to have real-time access to students and recent graduates.
Verizon wanted to stay as active and engaged as they would be if they were physically on campus and required a variety of ways to chat and interact with students while showcasing the Verizon brand.
- Fully managed service provider (build, design, training, marketing, reporting)
- Real-time chat (text, audio, video)
- Easy to navigate interface
- Accessibility on all devices
- Rapid deployment
- Integrated webinars
- Live Q&A
- Detailed registrant and attendee reporting
After several meetings and discussions, Verizon determined that the Astound platform and team would be the best partner to help them meet and exceed their goals for successful virtual recruiting events. Once the agreement was finalized, Astound put a team of subject matter experts together to manage the design, implementation, and rollout of the Verizon Campus Recruitment Center The Astound team worked tirelessly in partnership with the Verizon team to not only design a world-class platform, but to also ensure the user experience after rollout would be smooth and efficient. Astound delivered all aspects of the Recruitment Center in just 5-weeks from start to launch and included the following:
- Branded landing page
- Customized registration form
- Customized lobby
- Conference room
- Customized booths for live chat
- Auditorium for webinars (live and on-demand)
- Video interviews
- Bluejeans integration
- Customized reports
- Welcome emails
- Event reminders
- Surveys
- Polls

In a short period of time, the Verizon Campus Recruitment Center was conceived and deployed. More than 400 students created profiles within the first 3-days of it going live. Below are some of the key metrics of success:
- 5 events within the first 21-days of the Recruitment Center launch
- More than 1300 students created a profile within the first 2-weeks
- Students from over 35 colleges and universities attended the first 7 events
- Verizon expanded the number of campuses they typically recruit from
- Significant travel savings by allowing recruiters to attend from the comfort and safety of home
- 92% of students polled said they would attend a future event
- 91% of students said they would refer other students